Event Rating: ★★★½☆
(non collaborated)*
TOOL is undoubtedly a great band, musically. This point is hard to argue. However, live, they may not be what you had expected.
This particular show was when Danny just got back from injuring his arm. Despite the injury he still played great. Of course as one could understand, he needed to take a break to rest his arm mid-show. This is when the band played a recording of one of their sound/instrumental songs, sat down and hung out on stage, facing the crowd (one of the only times for Maynard) as Danny put ice on his shoulder.
The music was good; in fact it was so good it was like listening to the CD… except the voice. Where was the voice? A good percentage of what makes TOOL great, is Maynard’s clear loud voice…but it could hardly be heard. Someone needed to raise the volume a little. Maybe it was the sound guy’s first time.
If you read bios on the band and the member you find out things like their passion for the arts and love of music etc. One thing I couldn’t get passed is, why wouldn’t Maynard turn around and face the crowd? He spent the whole show showing us his butt. It didn’t seem like he was into it at all. One of his personal quotes is: “Once you take yourself too seriously the art will suffer”. That night the art suffered. Hopefully he hasn’t come to that point yet… hopefully. But if so, then, take a break do other things and come back to music when you’re feeling it. That night, instead of fully appreciating the concert you were wondering in your head: “Is he ever going to turn around? … When is he going to turn around?” Which also stole the spotlight from the others because you attention was on expecting the moment Maynard was going to decide to turn around. Of course, it’s not to dis him, but give back some of the energy the crowd is giving. [Is showing your back really your artistic feeling/expression? (one may never know the real reason…)]
For those who had better expectations of tool, you left the venue asking yourself: “why go see them live?… just listen to the album at home really loud.”
Would I personally go see them again? Most likely. After all, good music is good music.
Image taken from:
* Limited information is posted, as no collaboration was granted to themo by the venue and/or the event’s promotional/management company.
Tags: butt, danny, hypnotic, james, keenan, maynard, metal, music, music reviews, ROCK, themo,,
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The reason Maynard is not in front doing the thing most singers do is that he does not consider himself a prime stage prop. I think he dislikes the increased attention the singer usually gets when performing. They become more important then the other band members. Or there was some reason when I was doing research on him. He really likes to just get into a strange dance and bug out in the background. Theoretically it could be that all the drugs he did have affected his eyes in the long run, he may not enjoy heavy lighting and thus stays in the back.
The live show was a mind-screw to say in the least. It appeared as a horrible acid trip with a screen that showed insane visuals. This strange video artwork was changing and morphing as in their music videos, but unorthodox and new. The songs were distorted but gave a unique show that those at home would never hear from the music on the Albums. The laser show also did a number to add to the vibe during the All Points West performance I witnessed. It was really a great show, worth going to in my opinion.
A band’s performance should be different than their CDs music in my view. It gives the average fan something different, not too different, but like spices in a simple dish that one may have always loved. It’s still the same dish, but a whole new experience.
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This is an excellent review.
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Hello, can you please post some more information on this topic? I would like to read more.